Learnings from Mainland China (Beijing and Shanghai)
While working for HP/HPE, I had the chance to travel abroad and work with people from all over the Globe; and even though I had the chance to work with some Chinese colleagues, I never had the opportunity to travel to China. I spent 8 days with some of my MBA classmates in Beijing and Shanghai. I climbed the Great Wall, visited a few companies, spent a few hours in the US Embassy, ate amazing dumplings, watched Jimmer play, and learned a lot. My purpose for this post is to provide a high-level overview of some of the things I have learned. The pace of change in China is very rapid. As we visited a well-known global CPG company, they told us that in the last 6 months, they have launched over 40 products (that’s an innovation every 4.5 days). For a CPG Company, that is FAST. The city itself has developed buildings, railroad tracks, highways, and other facilities in just months. It’s crazy how fast things can change here in China. ...