Why am I a Mormon?

Why am I a Mormon? Lately I have been reading a book by Joseph A. Cannon called “Why I’m a Mormon?” This book contains stories from many people of the LDS faith telling their stories of why they are Mormons. I want to share my conversion story, and then add my testimony of Why I am and will always be a Mormon. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a great missionary program with over 53,000 young men and women serving in different countries around the world. I can almost guarantee that most of you have either seen a Mormon missionary or been around one who is a member of the church. As a matter of fact, when I lived in Argentina, the missionaries learned quickly to NEVER knock on my door. If they dared to do so, my mom would come out with a broom yelling “you son of a B*%&! Get out of my house! Don’t you dare knock on this door or I will kick your…” and many other encouraging words to never knock again. When I moved to Queens, NY, I met th...