simply me...

There are many who blog, and today I have decided to join them. 

Some may ask “why?” and the answer is simply “why not?” I am not a very good writer, so lets get that out of the way so you don’t expect much.

I guess we can start this blog by telling a bit about who I am from my point of view. Its interesting to me the difference that lies when you describe yourself, and when others do it. But here goes my shot-
My name is Rodrigo David Stabio. I was born in the province of Mendoza, Argentina. I grew up with a single mom, who happens to the most incredible woman in my life. At the age of 7, my madre met Jose, who she married, and together they had what I call the most incredible gift, my younger brother Nick. If I can be like Nick when I grow up, I will be very successful. After living in Argentina for almost 11 years, we decided to move to the United States, or better yet, my parents decided to do so, mainly to give my brother and I a better life. We moved to Queens, New York April 6, 2000. After living there for a few weeks, we decided to moved to northern New Jersey were I attended Jr. High. After Jr. High I moved to AZ, and went to High School there, and now my parents reside in Utah, and I attend school in Rexburg, Idaho. I love my family, and I love my friends. I love meeting new people. I know that many say that, but I mean it. I love People and I LOVE food. I enjoy doing weird and random things- which are things people think about doing, yet never do. For example, today my friends Jacqui Moyar and I walked down the streets of Valencia California. Now that is normal right? But we decided to walk in the median and wave at people as the drove by. I love sports. Played Soccer in High School and some in college, but I love playing it. I love thinking outside the box.
Now, I feel that I am one of those people that you either love, or hate. I don’t know if there is a middle ground, but I hope to find one soon. A lot of times I come off very cocky, but once you get to know me, you realize that I am not, and that most of the times I’m just being “an idiot”. I feel that those who I have come off cocky, if they give me a second chance, or hang out with me for more than just 20 minutes will come to know that I was probably being stupid, or dumb, and that I am actually not as bad as they first thought. I love my life. I love the Gospel- which is something I will soon blog about.
I love my family. I love my friends. I’m Latino. That’s me in 3 sentences. 


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