Mex: Mackenzie's week 1

Mackenzie is our youngest- 2.5 yrs. old. 

She is the princess of the family, and often spoiled by everyone around her. She has the ability to light up any room she walks in, and everyone falls in love with her smile. It's hard not to :) 

She is fierce is her pursuit of making memories in Mexico, thus her time here has been quite eventful. 

As mentioned in a previous blogpost, we forgot her shoes, so she entered Mexico bare feet rolling in our crappy umbrella stroller. 

So let me tell you a little of what took place over the last 4 days with her: 

Sunday (Jan 29): She had a fever, so she missed church. This was a total bummer as she had been looking forward to Church and Nursery all week. In the afternoon after noticing some swelling in her lips, we decided to take her to the ER. She ended up having Strep throat. ughhh 

Monday (Jan 30): Mackenzie was doing a bit better. Fever was coming down with meds. However, in the afternoon, we noticed that her lips started to swell even more. We called my cousin, and she helped us connect with a dentist, so we took her in. No cavities, teeth are perfect, but she has Herpes. WTF...

Tuesday (Jan 31): Ended the month with Mackenzie feeling much better and walking around the centro. We got her the most adorable backpack. By far, cutest 2-year-old American/Argentine baby walking around. Yay... 

Wednesday (Feb 1): I was getting ready to jump into my first call, and Catherine was getting ready. Kids were playing downstairs. All of the sudden, we hear some sort of explosion, and immediately, kids crying their guts outs. We ran downstairs to see a sea of shattered glass and Mackenzie, standing in the middle of it, crying. I picked her up (I had shoes on) and handed her to Cat. The other 2 kids were fined. Mackenzie, however, was not. Her legs were cut up, and blood wasn't slowing down. Gave her a blessing and took her into the ER where they glued her cuts and gave her an amazing treatment. Same ER from Sunday...

It has been a very eventful week. Looking forward to some days of calmness and fewer visits to the hospital. 


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