Mex: Arrivals and Departures (and the in-between)


Where to start? Let’s start with the happy ending: Made it to Guadalajara and ate some amazing street tacos.

We left at 7am on Tuesday. On the way to the airport, we realized that we had forgotten Mackenzie’s shoes. She was shoeless the rest of the way…

We got pulled over as we got into the airport. The cop asked if I knew why he pulled me over... I know what everyone is thinking, and no, you're wrong. I wasn't speeding. My tags registration tags had expired in December... anyhow, officer gave me a warning. Phew.

Traveling to San Jose was a little tough w/ Mackenzie. Traveling to Guadalajara with her was tougher. On the bright side, she wasn’t screaming or crying, but she never sat still for longer than 3 min.

When we made it to Guadalajara, I thought everything was done! We finally made it! … NOPE. 

The National Guard was hanging at the Airport- not sure why nor did I care… until… I found out that Uber drivers get fined if they pick people up at the airport. That sucked. A lot. We ended up walking a few blocks to get away from the airport – 5 carry-ons, 4 bagpacks, and a massive carseat - in hopes of finding a place to call an Uber. This is when you realized you packed too much. Also, there aren't many Ubers for 5 people in Guadalajara. 

As we walked away from the airport some dude in a car, stopped and asked if we needed a ride. I think he was an under-cover, taxi/uber driver… I think. Anyhow, I did what anyone carrying a bagpack, a carseat, and pulling 3 suitcases would do - I said "Si!".  Juan was his name. I love Juan. He gave us a ride to our Airbnb. He has 7 kids and gave me his card. Anytime I come back to Guadalajara, I will be hitting him up.

Ended the night walking about 100 yards to get Tacos al Pastor of the trompo. It was magnificent. Cheers to many more taco nights


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