Mexico– The Idea and our AirBnb

In November, I proposed the idea of going to Mexico for a few weeks with the family. Catherine immediately shut it down and called me crazy.

A few days later, she was telling her friend (mostly making fun of me, really) about my crazy idea and how crazy I am, and to her surprise, her friend ended up praising my idea. The next thing we knew, we were booking passport appointments.

We decided to Airbnb our home while we were gone. We 100% underestimated how much time it would take to get our home ready. We had so many wonderful people help us in so many ways: coming over to help clean, inviting us over for dinners, watching the kids during the day so we can get things done, and getting a ride to the airport. We got very little sleep, but we are waiting to board and ready for Mexico… I think….


We are tired, exhausted, and slightly cranky- but most of all, grateful. Grateful for our Seattle Tribe, grateful for health, grateful for family, grateful for the opportunity to go to Mexico and experience it for a few weeks. Kids have mixed feelings still, but seem excited this morning.


PS- Ran into one of our awesome friend, Laska, at the airport.



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