Mex: Next Stop- Queretaro!

Stop #2: Queretaro

To understand this stop, I need to share a few details about my biological father- who I thought was dead until I was about 6/7 years old. I don’t have much contact with him or his side of the family – except for 2 cousins who I have come to know better in the last 3-4 years: Sergio and Cecilia. Sergio lives in California, and Cecilia in Queretaro 😊 

We left Guadalajara on Friday and took a 5-hour bus ride to Queretaro. It cost us about $170 USD for 5 tickets, and honestly, the BEST $170 I’ve ever spent to travel 5 hours on a bus. The bus had 2 floors, the seats leaned back, you had a footrest, and of course, TVs in front of every seat. If you plan on coming to Mexico and need to travel between some cities, strongly recommend these buses (ETN).

In Queretaro, we met up with my cousin Cecilia and her family. It’s been really cool, especially learning about our side of the family that I know very little about.

She has shown us around and took us to 2 different malls in Queretaro, and one of them had this play space for kids that had ball pits, kid’s ninja warriors’ obstacle course, and some really dope climbing walls. The kids had an absolute blast. Nico ran around saying how this was “the best day of my life”.

I am amazed at the number of restaurants and food “trucks” around. You cannot walk more than 30 yards without finding another option. Its best to walk 2-3 blocks, and then making a decision of which place to go hit up. Chances are, if you choose the first, there will be at least 2-3 better options within the next 2 blocks.


We are here for 2 weeks. I am excited for the things we will see, do, and learn! Excited to spend time with family I just met and learn more about my heritage.


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